Belissa Escobedos biography: age, parents, ethnicity, movies

Belissa Escobedo is an American actress, poet, writer and theatre artist. She rose to prominence due to her role as Natalie Garcia in The Baker and the Beauty and has other movies and TV show credits. Belissa is also known for her prowess in poetry and has teamed up with two poets to form Poet Puff Girls.

Belissa Escobedo has Latino roots, however, he grew up in the USA. Since she shot into the limelight, she has remained relevant due to her diligence and passion for entertainment. Have a look at her bio for more details about her career.

Profile summary

  • Full name: Belissa Escobedo
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of birth: 16 September 1998
  • Age: 23 years old (as of March 2022)
  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Place of birth: Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Current residence: Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Nationality: American
  • Belissa Escobedo’s ethnicity: Latino
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Height in feet: 5’ 5”
  • Height in centimetres: 165
  • Weight in pounds: 146
  • Weight in kilograms: 66
  • Hair colour: Dark brown
  • Eye colour: Dark brown
  • Siblings: 1
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Alma Mater: Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and The New School for Drama
  • Profession: Actress, writer, poet, and theatre artist
  • Net worth: $1 million
  • Instagram: @belissae

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Belissa Escobedo’s bio?

The actress was born in Los Angeles, California, USA. She grew up in South Pasadena alongside her brother Victor and realized her passion for acting in third grade. Belissa Escobedo’s parents were supportive of her ambition when they realized what she wanted to pursue.

She went to Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and later completed her undergraduate studies at The New School for Drama, where she honed her acting skills.

What is Belissa Escobedo’s age?

The poet is 23 years old as of March 2022. She marks her birthday on 16 September every year, and her zodiac sign is Virgo.

What is Belissa Escobedo’s nationality?

Is Belissa Escobedo Mexican? She is Latino, but she was born and brought up in the US and resides in Los Angeles, California.

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What is Belissa Escobedo’s profession?

Belissa is an actress, writer, poet, and theatre artist. She is best known for acting, and so far, she has six acting credits. The young actress made her acting debut in 2016 when she was featured in the TV mini-series Meet Me @ the Clinic. Here is a list of Belissa Escobedo’s movies and TV shows;

  • Sex Appeal (2022) as Bianca
  • American Horror Stories (2021) as Shanti
  • Don’t Look Deeper (2020) as Cari
  • The Baker and the Beauty (2020) as Natalie Garcia
  • ABC Discovers: Los Angeles Talent Showcase (2018)
  • Meet Me @ the Clinic (2016) as Teen Girl

The actress is also set to appear in Hocus Pocus 2, Sid Id Dead, Oh, Poor Amy, Bloody Maria, and Blue Beetle.

Escobedo is a member of Poet Puff Girls. Other members of the poet group include Rhiannon McGavin and Zariya Allen. She has written several poems and even won a poetry contest in 2016.

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How much is Belissa Escobedo worth?

According to Popular Networth, an unreliable source, Escobedo’s net worth is approximately $1 million. She has a thriving acting career from which she earns a decent income.

Who is Belissa Escobedo dating?

She is seemingly not dating anyone. The US entertainer has neither disclosed her dating history nor hinted at dating anyone.

Belissa Escobedo’s body measurements

The movie star stands at 5 feet and 5 inches (165 cm) tall and weighs approximately 146 pounds (66 kg). Moreover, she has dark brown hair and eyes.

Social media presence

Belissa is on Instagram, where she has more than 11k followers. She is active on the platform and regularly shares her lifestyle photos with her audience.

Belissa Escobedo wears many hats and has made a name for herself in the lucrative American film industry. Currently, she has six acting credits and is set to appear in five more films and TV shows.

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She first hit the screen in 2010 in Friday Nght Light but did not gain much popularity. Her breakthrough came when she starred in The New Normal as Nikki and landed other roles in numerous movies and TV shows. Read her biography to learn more about her career and personal life.

